Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rafa.....wimbledon 2008?

Rafael Nadal or Rafa as fans call him is due for another grang slam other than the french open that he has been winning so consistently for the past four years.The recently concluded tournament saw some one sided tennis from Rafa.You would'nt really associate this word with any tennis player when he plays against Roger Federer.The great Swiss lost a set 6-0 for the first time in nine years.Whatever court it might be it certainly is an achievment to beat Federer like that and especially in grand slam final.I surely think that Andy Roddick and Lleyton Hewitt would be very happy to see that result.They were dominated and embarassed in a way by Federer on many occasions.I surely think that this year's wimbledon would be very interesting since Rafa was able to make it to the final of tennis's leading tournament twice in the last two years.Federer displayed poor form in the french open because he was making too many mistakes.If its not going to be Nadal it might be Djokovic who is amazing on the faster courts.He is the current Australian champion right?The bottomline is that Federer needs to be at his best to win his sixth consecutive wimbledon and enter the record books,but Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic have a great part to play in this year's ultimate tournament.

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